[caption id="attachment_3598" align="aligncenter" width="475"]TO get proper use of your website and social media channels, you have to blend them properly. TO get proper use of your website and social media channels, you have to blend them properly.[/caption]

Online marketing and internet searches mean there are more ways for you to promote your business and get noticed than ever before.

Obviously, the more different channels you use, the more effective you will be in finding and attracting new customers and engaging with and keeping your existing ones. Studies have shown that more than 80 percent of businesses saw an increase in their web traffic through the use of social media. Having people share your content on your facebook page can increase your Google search engine rankings, too.

With everything from your own web site to Facebook, twitter and other social media channels to your most reliable source—email marketing—it’s tough to know which channels are right for you and your business.

The answer is that it doesn’t matter how many channels you use—as long as they all work together. Here are some tips.

Use Social Media Buttons
Make sure social media icons—at least for the channels you use—appear on your web site, and make them prominent. Place them on the top, bottom or along the side of your home page, and use smaller icons on subsequent pages. One of the cardinal rules of web trafficking is to ensure your customers don’t have to follow a long link trail. It will also help if you have the buttons or links open your social media pages in a new windows—it’ll make it easier for them to back track.

Show it off
If you use social media to keep your customers or clients apprised of your recent specials or discounts showcase your Twitter feed or Facebook posts directly on your website. Let them know what they’re missing by not signing up.

The one caveat here is that if you include a regular facebook or twitter widget on your web site, make sure you put in the effort to update those streams regularly. Nothing turns a new customer off like stale content.


Include Share Buttons
Like the social media icons mentioned above, share buttons should prominent, too. Including share buttons sparks the modern day equivalent of word-of-mouth advertising. When a customer shares your content, it’ll increase your search engine rankings and you’ll be exposed to a potentially new revenue stream without providing any extra work.

Analyze the outcome
Google Analytics is still one of the best ways to track how people use your social media channels. Through Google Analytics, you can easily see how many people are actually clicking on your outbound social media links. The Event Tracking feature is easy to use and Google provides a step-by-step guide to get you going.

Moderate and use moderation
Remember, social media and marketing in general is everywhere. It’s easy for people to get tired of it and you don’t want to unnecessarily contribute to the marketing overload.

Make sure the information you want to share is worth sharing. Ask yourself: What’s in this for the reader? If the answer is ‘nothing,’ then either try to come up with some better content, or leave your channels silent until you do.

In the end the customers will appreciate it, because it will show that you value their time and attention as much as you value their business.